Health Ministry
Our Barnabus Ministry serves homebound and elderly people within our church community and beyond. Barnabus volunteers make visits at least once a month, providing fellowship and spiritual care to those who cannot always make it to worship services. If you are interested in becoming a Barbabus volunteer, or if you know someone who needs a visitor, please contact our Barnabus Coordinator, Julie Kullbom at 605-716-2006 or email
CLUMC Cares - a new connectional ministry for individuals and families affected by cancer. Opportunities are available to connect with other families for spiritual support. This ministry also provides respite services such as errand support and meals. We also provide chemo care kits for patients (see side bar for more information). For other resources and an online support community, visit Our Journey of Hope by clicking here.
Angel Food Ministry- The Angel Food program provides meals to members who have an illness, a new baby, or just need a caring touch. Meals are lovingly made and delivered by volunteers. To request a meal or to volunteer, email Jeanette Keck at
CPR- CLUMC offers FREE CPR and AED training two times a year. Watch the bulletin for sign-up opportunities.
Grief Support Group- this group meets twice a month for fellowship, devotion, and support. Open to anyone in any stage of their grief journey. Call the church office at 605.348.1080 for meeting dates.
Caring for those with mental health issues