Sunday Morning

Middle High Confirmation

6th, 7th, and 8th grade - Confirmation Sunday School

What can my child expect to experience in confirmation this year?


When you join the church, you are asked several questions by the pastors. One of them is: “Will you faithfully participate in the church’s ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness? “The confirmation lessons this year are divided between the topics of prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. When you answer that question, we want you to have a good idea about what you  are promising!


Service Hours:  John Wesley urged all Christians to do all the good we can, everywhere we can, when we can! We expect confirmation students to participate in 10 hours of service each year. Check with Pastor for more information on how those hours can be earned.

Worship: We expect confirmation youth attend at least two worship services a month. CLUMC offers four worship services each week: Wednesday Youth Worship @ 6pm, Sat. Worship at 5:30pm, and Sunday services at 8:30am and 10:45am

When will my child be confirmed?  Because we take your childs commitment to the Christian faith seriously and want to them to learn as much as possible, our confirmation program is now 3 years (grades 6th-8th). Your child will be confirmed at the end of their 8th grade year. Who will be teaching my child?

  • 6th/7th/8th grade leaders: Pastor Eric and Ruth Grinager















Senior High 

Sunday School invites high-schoolers to a specialized bible study geared towards the challenges they face daily.

We share breakfast as the Youth catch up with each other and touch on the highs and lows of their week, then we have a fun game with a lesson.